"A new way of thinking is necessary if humanity is to survive."


Albert Einstein

Talks after Death

Author: Stefanie Granierer


EUR 14,30
Illustrations by Matthias Neuhaus
13 x 18 cm Softcover
220 pages
First edition October 2016
ISBN: 978-3-9503133-9-0

A man and a woman. Love that becomes possible beyond all boundaries and obstacles.

But only a few common years are granted to them. Then the man dies after months of painful suffering. And leaves a 47-year-old widow for whom her world collapses.

But she has someone at her side who supports her in her mourning process: her deceased husband. The common task is to build a bridge from here to the afterlife.

With his help, the widow is quickly able to "manage" her life again and become the person she wants to be: a cheerful, courageous and life-loving woman.

A book that encourages, a book that touches, a book that comes from the heart and goes to heart.



A mourning diary ... of another kind.